Digital Media and Publications

Readers of CCG publications actively pursue paths to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. They promote STEM as an integral part of America's advancement and global competitiveness. CCG publications inform and engage diverse readers as we expose them to job horizons, professional life, and forward-thinking role models in STEM fields.

Websites, Digital Publications, and Social Media


Advertisement Prices and Requirements

Persistent Website Banners

Persistent web banners stay right where they are.

Impressions Price
50,000 $3,500
100,000 $4,800
150,000 $7,500
500,000 $14,000

Digital Advertisement Rate Cards

Rotate your ads across multiple sites

Pay-Per-Click Price
Rotating website banner advertisement on any two sites
Rotating website banners advertisement on CCG's suite of websites

Mechanical Requirements

Make it look good: use these measurements

Website Banner Mechanical Requirements Dimensions
Leaderboard Ad 728x90